As a child, I would spend hours on end just drawing… there was nothing more luxurious than the pile of copy paper, destined for the recycling bin, that my parents would bring from the office, every now and then. I didn’t care that one side was already used, the other one was for me…
I wanted to become either an actress or an artist when I grew up, and even though I passed the entry exams for “Teaterhögskolan” (the Swedish Drama Scool in Helsinki), I ended up studying Fine Arts in… Pontevedra (2.400 miles away from home)! I guess you never know where life will take you…
I’m jabbering on to let you know that I have started drawing again, after almost nine years (since my children were born). Little by little I’m feeling more comfortable and even though I’m far from being as skilful as before, I’ve started including doodling in some of my projects… like the one that I’m showing on LPC’s blog today… come and check it out!