Ya estoy de vuelta para mostraros la sencilla tarjeta que he hecho para el reto de junio de Yoy Scrap en el que el único requisito era usar rayas…
I’m back to show you a simple card that I made for the June challenge at Yoy Scrap in which the only requirement was to use stripes…
I’m back to show you a simple card that I made for the June challenge at Yoy Scrap in which the only requirement was to use stripes…
Primero pensé en hacer una tarjeta náutica porque me encantan, pero finalmente decidí trabajar con una plantilla, tintas de pigmento ColorBox, sellos de Yoy Scrap y un Pilot negro para crear esto:
First I thought of making a nautical card because I love them, but I finally decided to work with a stencil, ColorBox pigment inks, Yoy Scrap stamps and a black Pilot pen to create this:
First I thought of making a nautical card because I love them, but I finally decided to work with a stencil, ColorBox pigment inks, Yoy Scrap stamps and a black Pilot pen to create this:
Usé un fragmento de esta plantilla de círculos y corazones (“Heart cluster” stencil) de Heidi Swapp que me encanta:
I used a corner of this Heart cluster stencil by Heidi Swapp that I really like:
I used a corner of this Heart cluster stencil by Heidi Swapp that I really like:
La adherí con Frog tape, una cinta de pintor con poco pegamento, a un cuadrado de papel de acuarela Canson y la entinté directamente con las almohadillas de las tintas…
I adehered it with Frog tape, a low-tack painter’s tape, to a square of Canson watercolour paper and inked it directly using the ink pads…
I adehered it with Frog tape, a low-tack painter’s tape, to a square of Canson watercolour paper and inked it directly using the ink pads…
Lo hice suavemente para que no quedaran marcas, pero lo mejor es usar una esponjita de maquillaje o un aplicador de tinta de Tim Holtz.
I did it with a light hand to avoid leaving marks, but the best way would be to use a make-up sponge or a Tim Holtz ink applicator.
Los corazones estaban bastante separados entre sí, así que no existía el peligro de mezclar las tintas. Este es el resultado… un poco aburrido, verdad?
The hearts were separated from each other so the risk of blending the inks was quite low. This is the result… a bit bland, isn’t it?
The hearts were separated from each other so the risk of blending the inks was quite low. This is the result… a bit bland, isn’t it?
Ahora tocaba sacar el Pilot y dibujar rayas. Apoyé el papel en el canto de mi cizalla Fiskars y usé una escuadra para dibujar las líneas, pero se podría haber hecho a mano alzada perfectamente para darle un toque más naif a la tarjeta.
Now it was time to grab the Pilot pen and start drawing lines. I sustained the card panel against the edge of my Fiskars paper trimmer and used a set-square ruler to draw the lines but it could have been done freehand to give the card a more naif look.
Now it was time to grab the Pilot pen and start drawing lines. I sustained the card panel against the edge of my Fiskars paper trimmer and used a set-square ruler to draw the lines but it could have been done freehand to give the card a more naif look.
Dejé algunos de los corazones sin rayas para poder estampar los textos más finos sobre ellos.
I left a couple of the hearts plain to be able to stamp the fine-line sentiments on them.
I left a couple of the hearts plain to be able to stamp the fine-line sentiments on them.
Ya tiene mejor pinta… Fijaros como he usado el color melocotón claro para crear un triángulo visual que atrae la vista. Se me olvidó sacar una foto del siguiente paso… Limpié bien la plantilla y la volví a colocar en su sitio para trazar los círculos con el pilot negro. Después retiré la plantilla y rellené el espacio alrededor de los círculos con un rotulador negro. Ahora solo quedaba estampar y adornar…
It’s looking better… Can you see how I used the light peach colour to create a visual triangle that draws the eye. I forgot to take a picture of the next step… I cleaned the stencil well before adhering it in its place to trace the circles with the black Pilot. Then I removed it and filled the space around the circles with a black marker. Now I only had to stamp and embellish.
It’s looking better… Can you see how I used the light peach colour to create a visual triangle that draws the eye. I forgot to take a picture of the next step… I cleaned the stencil well before adhering it in its place to trace the circles with the black Pilot. Then I removed it and filled the space around the circles with a black marker. Now I only had to stamp and embellish.
También usé uno de los cartoncitos del set “hola en castellano” de Yoy Scrap que entinté con tinta negra Archival Ink de Ranger. Usé la misma tinta de un negro intenso para estampar.
I also used one of the words from the chipboard set “hello in Spanish” by Yoy Scrap that I inked with Ranger’s Archival Ink. I used the same intense black ink for stamping.
I also used one of the words from the chipboard set “hello in Spanish” by Yoy Scrap that I inked with Ranger’s Archival Ink. I used the same intense black ink for stamping.
Pegué el panel de la tarjeta sobre la base con un trozo de papel estampado de rayas blancas y negras por el medio. También añadí un par de tiras de papel de acuarela entintadas en la parte superior e inferior.
I adhered the card panel to the base and glued a piece of striped black and white paper in between. I also added a couple of inked watercolour strips to the upper and lower part of the card.
I adhered the card panel to the base and glued a piece of striped black and white paper in between. I also added a couple of inked watercolour strips to the upper and lower part of the card.
Os dejo con una última imagen de mi tarjeta y un “hasta la próxima”… ahora me marcho a la playa ^_^
Here’s a last picture of my card. See you next time… I’m off to the beach ^_^