Después de probar el “paper piecing” por primera vez (ver el resultado aquí) y enamorarme (gracias Yolanda del blog de 3flowers), quise repetir técnica y crear una tarjeta menos sencilla:
After having tried “paper piecing” for the first time (see the result here) and falling in love (thank you Yolanda from the 3flowers blog) I wanted to have a second go at the technique with a less simple card:
Usé los colores rojo, plateado y blanco y una frase romántica (I’m in love with you) para poder presentarla al primer reto de scrapbooking de Bella Luna Crafts.
I used the colors red, silver and white and a romantic phrase (I’m in love with you) to be able to present it to the first scrapbook challenge of Bella Luna Crafts.
Detalle de la máquina de escribir de la colección de sellos “Pen pals” de Pink Paislee. Cubrí las teclas con gotas de Glossy accents para darles un poco de brillo y volumen y entinté el papel con tinta Distress “old paper”.
Detail of the typewriter from the set of stamps “Pen pals” by Pink Paislee. I covered the keys with drops of Glossy accents to give them some shine and dimension and inked the paper with “old paper” Distress ink.
Detail of the typewriter from the set of stamps “Pen pals” by Pink Paislee. I covered the keys with drops of Glossy accents to give them some shine and dimension and inked the paper with “old paper” Distress ink.
Detalle de las cartas de amor… El papel es de la colección “Kiss kiss” de Crate paper.
Detail of the love letters… I used a small scrap of paper from Crate Paper’s “Kiss kiss” collection.
El mes de febrero ha sido muy productivo para mí, pero os prometo que solo me queda una tarjeta de amor para enseñaros… por ahora! Hasta pronto 😉
February has been a very productive month for me, but I promise I only have one more love card left to show you… for now! See you soon 😉